“Best of Shot’s” from the Reno’s Chop Shop-Torch Entertainment Show! 3/4/11

Hey guys!

It took me a little while to post these, I’ve been slaving away at the day job 😦 but finally here are the “best of” shots from Torch Entertainment’s show at Reno’s last Friday. Hope you guys like 🙂

Snake Skin Prison, Sever The Senses and How Fiction Ends

don’t forget to look these guys up on Facebook and Myspace….and to the bands, Thanks for the awesome show !

Weekend on 6th street

This past weekend I dropped in to Austin for the first time; the city and I, really hit it off :). It’s weird when you go some place for the first time and it feels like you’ve been there many a time before-it was just so comfortable and relaxing (yet crazy compared to dead Dallas). I plan on moving there in the near future, do wish me luck. Here’s a couple of pics from the trip. I only took my sony cam down there so nothing spectacular here but eh, it was still a lot of fun shooting :)…haha that sounds wrong…and crazy.